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                                                                                                                                    July 21, 2012


Nde Obibiezena:

            It is a fact that nearly every Igbo community here in the United States has found a way to organize themselves into a cohesive body both locally and nationally, with the sole aim of improving the quality of life in their respective communities in Nigeria. It is also a fact that hardly any weekend passes without anyone one of us getting invitations to come help to fund one project or another during the different Launchings and Conventions held by these communities. We have all been to these functions, and we have all donated money to help our friends and their communities. It is a noble cause, worthy of all our support. Charity, they say begins at home, and that begs the question where is Obibiezena in this affair for over eight years since the original agreement to form a national body?

            At the direction and on behalf of Obibiezena Progressive Association U.S.A Northeast region, we write to chronicling the sequence of events leading to the stalemate and stagnation in the formation of a viable Obibiezena national body in the United States since it was first conceived eight years ago. The Obibiezena Progressive Association Northeast region, has decided to bring this situation to the lime light to enable the sons and daughters of Obibiezena in the continental U.S.A, to separate facts from fiction, and most importantly resolve to forge ahead with the formation of a national union in spite of any obstacles that may stand in the way. We are not oblivious of the fact that some of you may have been wondering why there has not been any concrete progress made towards the formation of Obibiezena national body since 2004, and that is the reason we are bringing the facts below to your knowledge.

In 2004, Obibiezena Progressive Association (OPA) in Maryland was organized to bring sons and daughters of Obibiezena extraction who live in northeastern corridor of the United States into a fraternal fold. About the same time the OPA became aware that there was another center with a critical mass of our sons and daughters in Houston that have organized themselves into Obibiezena Progressive Union (OPU) Houston, under the leadership of Professor Cajetan Akujuobi, Dr. Charles Dike and Chinedu Nwosu etc (There were no other States with a critical mass or organized group of sons and daughters of Obibiezena in the United States at that time).

Also in 2004 OPU Houston, organized the first Obibiezena International Economic Development Conference in Houston. For that conference, OPA (New Jersey, Washington D.C and Maryland) sent representatives. The two organizations (OPA and OPU) held a joint meeting and agreed to form a national association. Between 2004 and 2008 the organizations exchanged correspondences and had lingering disagreements about way forward, but continued operating as independent associations with a common goal of improving the quality of life for our brothers and sisters back home.

In 2008, OPU Houston, still under the leadership of Professor Akujuobi, Dr. Charles Dike and Mr. Chinedu Nwosu, organized a second summit and fund raising in Houston. Once again Obibiezena Progressive Association (OPA) attended with the single purpose of having a face to face meeting (Ida Nti) with our brothers and sisters in Houston to resolve the organizational issues. Out of that meeting came the following resolutions below: SEE APPENDIX I (Minute of meeting as recorded by then OPU Secretary)

  • Obibiezena Progressive Association and Obibiezena Progressive Union will adopt a common platform to form a national Association.
  • The name of the Association shall be Obibiezena Progressive Association, USA
  • Obibiezena Progressive Union Houston to amend their Organizing Document to change their name to Obibiezena Progressive Association Houston Branch since Nonprofit 501(C) 3 has already been established for the National Association.
  • A committee comprising of members from Houston and the Northeast area –( New Jersey, Maryland, and Washington D.C) was set up to harmonize our constitution from the existing constitutions of the two organizations in Houston and Northeast regions.
  • A national convention to follow where national Officers will be elected by an assembly of Obibiezena sons and daughter in the entire United States in attendance at the conference.
  • That a committee comprising of members from Houston and the Northeast area – New Jersey, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. Area was set up or not set up to harmonize our constitution from the existing constitutions of the two organizations in Houston and North East regions.
  • That the joint committee completed its work and came out with a harmonized constitution ready for a national convention where our national leaders would have been elected.

The Joint Committee completed its work, and came out with a harmonized constitution and was heading towards a national convention where our national leaders would have been elected. SEE APPENDIX II

This is where we were as a people, united, one organization and one purpose before the then OPU President Professor Akujuobi moved away from Houston and Dr. Charles Dike moved to Minnesota, and Houston came under a new leadership in 2009 led by Mr. Peter Onyewuenyi, Amaechi Dike and Nneji Amadi etc.

2010 to Date

In 2010, OPA - (New Jersey, Maryland, and Washington, D.C) Branch received an email from Houston regarding what was labeled a first economic summit to be held in Houston under the auspices of Obibiezena Progressive Union, USA. OPA Northeast Branch wondered why our brothers and sisters in Houston should not only revert back to their old name (OPU) after agreeing to a unified name (OPA, Houston Branch and OPA, – New Jersey, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. Branch), but also act in a manner that suggested that they were now a national organization that represented all of us. OPA – New Jersey, Maryland, and Washington, D.C Branch wondered what happened to the strides we had made together in the last eight years, the two summits and fund raising events that we attended, the meetings we held, the agreement reached and the harmonized constitution that was awaiting ratification by an assembly of Obibiezena sons and daughters in the U.S.A and thereafter elect our national officers. We headed to Houston to find answers to these questions.

In Houston the people of Obibiezena were openly and publicly told by the current leadership in Houston led by Mr. Peter Onyewuenyi that the agreement reached in 2004 did not exist. Obibiezenans were told all sorts of concocted stories which turned out not to be factually correct. Obibiezena was told that no organization existed. That is not true. The Obibiezena people were also deliberately misled by the Houston leadership which claimed that OPU U.S.A was a 501© 3 organization. Furthermore, the leadership in Houston has been angling to position itself as the legitimate leadership for Obibiezena people in the United States as can be deduced through unsolicited communications, thus making it extremely difficult for Obibiezena to organize in meaningful way at the national level.

Since then, OPA New Jersey, Maryland, and Washington, D C Branch has seen a blurring of the line between the Houston leadership as individuals and the organization, thereby making accountability nonexistent in running the affairs of Obibiezena Progressive Association, USA-Houston Branch.

During the last conference held in Houston in 2011, a committee was set up to investigate these lies, and once again voices opposing the participation of the Houston leadership were not allowed to speak. What we got out of the committee was not the investigation but rather a series of activities that were directed at legitimizing the lies.


Our position is clear. We seek and will work to see a credible Obibiezena leadership. A leadership headed by an honest, dedicated and selfless individual, duly elected by the generality of Obibiezena sons and daughters in a convention. We are also committed to joining hands with any other Obibiezena branches to build a viable association based on the laws of the land that will withstand any scrutiny.   For the last two years, our effort to organize ourselves in a very meaningful way has stalled and to this day remained stagnant. OPA Northeast region has not been consulted for either agenda, meetings, or for any program relating to Obibiezena, nor has any other organized Obibiezena body in other cities that we are aware been consulted. However, Houston leadership led by Mr. Peter Onyewuenyi portrayed itself as a national organization representing the entire Obibiezena in USA, and this is so sad. In place of meetings, or agenda for the entire Obibiezena in USA , we have seen series of email communications from one individual, some of them containing information that suggest that we are all aboard, when in reality we know nothing about them . We become aware of them only when the emails announcing such events arrive.

This situation is dangerous and can be detrimental to the reputation, formation and existence of the national association. It is more worrisome because a nonprofit status has already been obtained for Obibiezena national body, which in order to remain complaint with the laws of the land, must report to IRS any donations (cash, in-kind or materials) it receives in the name of Obibiezena.

We believe that a committee selected to investigate the misinformation that were told in Houston should never and cannot metamorphose into a constitution drafting committee since such powers were not granted.

It is our considered opinion that the only deliverable that should come out of that committee is report either refuting or validating what was told to our people in Houston:

That a national convention to follow where national Officers will be elected by an assembly of Obibiezena sons and daughter in the entire United States in attendance at the conference.

Since that was not to be, Northeast region therefore believes that the last selected committee in Houston acted outside the scope of its authority, (By initiating a new constitution) the activities lack validity.

The Northeast region believe that successive leadership and best practices demand that incoming leaders move their organization and community forward by building on what was accomplished by their predecessors and seek consensus rather than unilateral decisions and we encourage the Houston leadership to do that.

Until that happens, we will not be part of any activity or organization that operates outside the boundaries of that agreement that was reached with our brothers in Houston in 2008.

Obibiezena Progressive Association, USA Northeast region is still committed to the agreement that we reached with our brothers and sisters in Houston and to the goal of forming a national organization by consensus and in a meaningful way. The foundation and the structure of the national organization had already been set up by both leaderships of Houston and Northeast branches. A web domain name for the Houston branch was already secured prior to the current Houston leadership led by Peter Onyewuenyi. All the fillings with the Internal Revenue Service were completed to legitimize the organization. Therefore, it makes sense for Obibiezena Progressive Association USA - Northeast region, to complete the formation based on the agreement reached with the last Houston administration led by Cajetan Akujuobi. In the event that the current leadership in Houston led by Peter Onyewuenyi insists on following through with the sham arrangement and committee, it should be understood that Obibiezena Progressive Association, USA Northeast region will not be party to such alliance.

Please visit our website at for additional information.


Ray Anuforo

General Secretary for

Obibiezena Progressive Association U.S.A – Northeast Region Branch





                                                              OBIBIEZENA (USA)


Held November 22, 2008 in Houston, Texas.


The under listed individuals, (in no specific order) attended the meeting;


Mr.Chucks Amadi

Mrs.Vivian Amadi

Mrs.Caroline Akujuobi  

Mr.John C. Etoh

Dr.Oliver A. Onyewuenyi

Mrs.Oby Dike

Charles O.Dike MD.

Chief Anumudu (Nee Anozie)

Mr.Chukwudi Chris Ajoku –Ekwonye

Mrs.Edna Ajoku- Ekwonye

Lolo Stella Uzoegwu (Nee Etoh)

Mr.Chinedu McDonald Nwosu

Mrs.Benny Akagha

Mr.Rowland Akagha

Mr.Peter U. Onyewuenyi

Mr.Ray Anuforo

MR.Michael Anyanwu

Dr.Cajetan M. Akujuobi

Mr.Uzoma Onyewuenyi.



Dr. Cajetan Akujuobi, in his capacity as the host President welcomed every one present, especially those who came from out of state. He expressed excitement and happiness that the two groups are finally meeting to continue and possibly conclude discussion on formation of Obibiezena USA, in the overall interest of Obibiezena.

He also declared that there was no agenda for this meeting. The agenda will emanate from this group- in-session, adding that this was intentional, a demonstration of openness goodwill on the part of Houston. However, Dr. Akujuobi called for formal but self introduction by every individual present.


Mr. John Etoh on his own part explained the ramification of the kind of unity he envisages; vis-à-vis an organization under one umbrella and affiliate branches, with one name, one constitution. Furthermore, he emphasized the need for Houston to effect a change of name with the State of Texas, as already agreed by the two groups i.e., name for the umbrella organization to be “Obibiezena Progressive Association USA”, while all affiliate groups shall be “Obibiezena Progressive Association”(with their geographical location)


To place further discussion in perspective, Mr. John Etoh asked to know if nde Obibi in Houston are prepared to unite with Washington/Baltimore, to which Dr. Cajetan Akujuobi (President-Houston) stated that the idea of unifying nde Obibi in USA was initiated by Houston, therefore Houston will support any move to achieve that.




  1. It was unanimously agreed that maneuvers in the past by the two groups which ended in a deadlock shall by overlooked.
  2. There shall be one umbrella organization “Obibiezena Progressive Association USA.
  3. Tax ID number already acquired by Baltimore shall be for the exclusive use of the umbrella organization.
  4. Affiliate branches shall be known as “Obibiezena Progressive Association” then (branch name)
  5. All name change (where applicable) should be completed on or before January 20, 2009, to conform to the new structure.
  6. A six person committee was set up to articulate the process for final unification, including fashioning out a new constitution or merging of the constitution presently being operated by the various groups.
  7. Members of this committee are;
    1. This committee has ninety (90) days from 01/20/09 to submit their report to nde Obibi.
    2. The committee, at the end of their assignment shall arrange a teleconference for further discussion by nde Obibi USA.
    3. Mr. Chuks Amadi was, in the meantime entrusted with the responsibility of setting up and managing a fuctional world wide web for the new dispensation.
    4. Any natural person who is taken into an Obibiezena family as a child by legal process and is treated by the family as their child.
      1. Any natural person who is the son or daughter of an Obibiezena woman married to non-Obibiezena citizen (Nwanwa).
        1. Provide the house leading information on the subject under discussion; otherwise invoked as “Point of Information”
        2. Call attention of the house to a regulation, rule, convention, standard or ethics of the Association being violated by the views being expressed by the speaker on the floor; otherwise invoked as “Point of Order”.
        3. Correct erroneous information by the speaker on the floor; otherwise invoked as “Point of Correction”.
          1. All or any part of the provisions of this constitution shall be subject to amendment or revision.
          2. A written motion for amendment, duly signed by two active members shall be read by its sponsor on the floor during a general meeting.
          3. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of eligible members present at the general meeting shall be required to amend or revise any part of this constitution. Thereafter, the amended or revised and ratified constitution shall become the valid constitution of the Association.


Dr. Cajetan Akujuobi,

Mr. John Etoh,

Mr. Ray Anuforo,

Mr.Chinedu M. Nwosu.

Mrs. Edna Ajoku- Ekwonye and

Mr. Rowland Akagha




Meanwhile members were encouraged to ask rhetorical questions , make suggestions on any issues that may be of interest or concern to the organization, all aimed at assisting the above committee in their assignment.



Mr. Michael Anyanwu expressed concern on the state of Orie Obibi market and wondered what OPA USA could do to make a difference.

Responding, Dr. Cajetan Akujuobi gave details of efforts made in the past by different concerned individuals and groups, including OPU Houston to renovate the market in phases. made through eminent citizens like Senator Eze Ajuku, Owerri North Local Government Chairman and others. All the efforts yielded no dividends.

It was concluded at this meeting that Orie Obibi market is the way it is because of greed and avarice, and unnecessary power struggle in the community.



In the absence of any other business, Mr. Michael Anyanwu moved the motion for adjournment. His motion was supported by Chief (Mrs.) Ida Anumudu.




Chinedu McDonald Nwosu








Article I:           PREAMBLE

We, the members of Obibiezena Progressive Association, USA, conscious of our cultural heritage, moral upbringing, communal unity and democratic values of our area of origin and believing in the dignity of man, do hereby adopt this constitution as commitment to our values. This document shall be known and referred to as ‘THE CONSTITUTION OF OBIBIEZENA PROGRESSIVE ASSOCIATION, USA. This document shall provide a reference guide to all officers and members of the association who have agreed to be guided by the dictates of this constitution until an amendment is made.



The organization shall be known as OBIBIEZENA PROGRESSIVE ASSOCIATION, USA.


The primary purpose of this association is to contribute to the development of Obibiezena community socially, culturally, educationally and otherwise, at home and abroad. To promote a better understanding and appreciation of the African cultural heritage in general , the culture of the Obibiezena people in Igbo land, the Nigerian community, and in particular among members of the association and the citizens of the United States of America.



SECTION I Membership of Obibiezena Progressive Association, USA is open to all persons who are citizens of Obibiezena either by birth, marriage, adoption or by naturalization. Qualified individuals must be a duly registered member of a recognized chapter of Obibiezena Progressive Association. There shall be one recognized Obibiezena Progressive Association Branch in each City throughout the United States.

A:   Adoption is hereby restricted to:

           SECTION I B: Honorary membership may be granted to individuals not meeting the requirements of Section 1 provided that such individuals are outstanding members of the community and duly recommended by a member in good standing.

Section II:         Chapter Membership

Only individuals who are in good standing with a recognized chapter shall be registered with the national. A chapter shall consist of at least five individuals who meet the requirement of Article V.

           SECTION III: Notwithstanding the provisions of Article V, Sections I and II, every member is  required to

a)       Maintain good standing at all times.

b)       Participate reasonably in the Association’s scheduled meetings, events and other activities.

c)       For the purposes of determining members in good standing, reasonable participation is defined as participation in at least 75% of scheduled meetings, events and other activities.

d)       Fulfill all financial obligations of the Association.

e)       Profess loyalty to the Association and must uphold and promote its objectives.

f)        Abstain from engaging in any unlawful activities detrimental to the Association or its members.

           SECTION IV: In the event that a chapter loses its good standing status as a result of non-fulfillment of financial obligations, such a chapter must clear the outstanding indebtedness to regain status or work out a payment plan acceptable to the National Executive Committee.

           SECTION V: Chapter registration shall be a one-time payment of $500.00 to the National Treasury.

           SECTION VI: Annual Dues:

All recognized chapters of Obibiezena Progressive Association shall be assessed annual dues as follows:

5 – 10 Members -   $500.00

11 – 20 Members - $1,000.00

21 – Over             - $1,500.00

The annual dues are payable to Obibiezena Progressive Association and due to the national Treasury no later than March 31 of the year.



       SECTION I: Every eligible chapter shall be accorded full rights and privileges of membership. An eligible chapter is in good standing pursuant to the provisions of Article V and for a period of not less than one full year.




SECTION II:     Members of eligible chapters are bestowed the rights and privileges are as follows:

(a)     The right to vote and voted for.

(b)     The right to hold office.

(c)     The right to represent the Association

(d)     The right to contribute meaningfully to the achievement of the Association’s goals and objectives.

(e)     The right to be recognized for services to the Association, the community and humanity at large.


       SECTION I:   There shall be two categories of officers of the Association, namely elected officers and appointed officers.

       SECTION II: The following shall be elected officers of the Association:

(a)     The National   President

(b)     The National   Vice-President

(c)     The National   General Secretary

(d)     The National   Assistant General Secretary

(e)     The National   Treasurer

(f)      The National   Financial Secretary

(g)     The National   Social and Publicity Relations Officer

(h)     The National Assistant Social and Publicity Secretary

(i)       The National Provost


(a)     Shall be the spokesperson for the Association, as well as chief executive.

(b)     Shall, in consultation with the Executive Committee, authorize meetings, conventions and all other activities considered essential by The President for the progress of the Association.

(c)     Shall preside over regular, Executive or Emergency meetings/Teleconferences.

(d)     Shall execute all policy decisions formulated by the Executive and approved by the general membership.

(e)     In emergency situation, where the Executive Committee cannot be reached or meeting convened, The President , with at least, the consultation of the Financial Secretary and/or the Treasurer shall approve expenditures not to exceed the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00), and to report to the general assemble at the next meeting.

(f)      Shall be charged with timely and fair conduction of all meetings.

(g)     Shall be responsible for the general administration and control of the Association, subject to approval of Executive Committee.

(h)     Shall be one of the signatories to all the Association’s bank accounts.

(i)       Shall report the performance of all elected officers of the Association and recommend action for non-performance as prescribed by the constitution.



(a)     Shall perform such duties as The President may deem necessary to designate to him or her.

(b)     Shall, in the absence of The President, act for The President.

(c)     Shall, in the event of a vacancy in the office of The President, become the President for the remainder of the term and assume all powers and duties of the President.


       SECTION V: In the absence of both the President and Vice-President, a member of the Executive    Committee shall be chosen by the members present to preside over the meeting of the day.


(a)     Shall record, read and keep the minutes of the Association and of the Executive Committee.

(b)     Shall be in charge of the Association’s correspondence.

(c)     Shall notify the members of the time and place for meetings.

(d)     Shall keep custody of secretarial equipment, stationary and records.

(e)     Shall maintain an up-to-date record of members’ attendance of meetings and participation in events and activities.

(f)      Shall notify the President in advance of anticipated absence from any meeting or activity.

(g)     Shall delegate necessary duties to the Assistant General Secretary.

(h)     Shall provide references to the constitution when the need arises.

(i)       Shall forward correspondences to other officers of the Association for necessary action.


(a)     Shall, in the event of a vacancy in the office of the General Secretary, become the General Secretary for the remainder of the term of office.

(b)     Shall assist the General Secretary in performance of his or her duties.

(c)     Shall, in the absence of the General Secretary, assume the duties of the General Secretary.


(a)     Shall keep the books of account which shall show all financial transactions, assets and liabilities of the Association.

(b)     Shall keep accurate records, receipts, income and expenditures made by the Association.

(c)     Shall record all monies due to the association and deposit such funds in the association’s bank account. He/ She shall forward a validated deposit slip to the National Treasury within 72 hours of deposit.

(d)     Shall cooperate with the Auditing Committee whenever the examination of the Association’s account is needed.

(e)     Shall provide a quarterly Financial Statement Report of the Association.

(f)      Shall serve as the custodian of the Association’s financial records.

(g)     Shall update each member chapter on their financial standing during meetings.

(h)     In the absence of the Financial Secretary, the President shall appoint a member of the Executive Committee to act on his or her behalf.

(i)       In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Financial Secretary, a by-election shall be held to fill the vacancy.


(a)     Shall be in charge of the Association’s money.

(b)     Shall receive all funds on behalf Association and issue receipts thereof.

(c)     Shall receive and deposit all funds on behalf of the Association into the Association’s bank account, within seventy-two hours.

(d)     Shall cooperate with the Auditing Committee whenever an examination of the Association’s account is needed.

(e)     Shall, within a two-week notice, give account of the Association’s funds on demand by the general assembly and/or Executive Committee.

(f)      Shall be the custodian of the Association’s Check books.


(a)     Shall handle all the publicity needs of the Association.

(b)     Shall consult the Executive Committee before publicizing or publishing any material concerning the Association.

(c)     Shall organize all the social functions of the Association and draw up programs for such functions to be submitted to the general assembly for approval.

(d)     Shall arrange for the venue for the execution of all social, cultural and civil activities with the approval of the President.

(e)     Shall preside over the Social and Cultural Committee.

(f)      Shall serve as the custodian of the Association’s social events’ property.


(a)     Shall perform such duties as the Social and Publicity Secretary deem necessary to delegate to him or her.

(b)     Shall act on behalf of the National Social and Publicity Secretary in his or her absence.


(a)     Shall be responsible for enforcing all procedural rules during meetings/conventions.

(b)     Shall identify and appoint members to speak, with the approval of the President, during meetings.

(c)     Shall perform roll calls during meetings and other scheduled events and provide the General Secretary with an attendance record.

(d)     In the absence of the Provost during any meeting, the President shall appoint a member to act as the Provost.



                             The tenure for all elected officers of Obibiezena Progressive Association, USA shall be three years (3yrs). At the end of two consecutive terms in one office, an elected officer shall be eligible to stand for election in another office.



(a)     Election shall be at the National Convention in the election year.

(b)     The general assembly shall select the Returning Officer(s) for the purpose of conducting and announcing election results.

(c)     Prior to the commencement of the election all outgoing officers shall return all the association’s record and property in their possession to the returning officers.



(a)     A member who is eligible for election to an office must be nominated and elected at the national convention.

(b)     An eligible member for the purposes of standing for an election is a member who has met the conditions of article 4 section 3 of the constitution.

(c)     Election of officers shall be held by secret ballot



To stand for an election, an eligible member must be duly nominated by a member in good standing. The nomination must be seconded by another eligible member.    


(a)     There shall be three nominations for each office to be voted on.

(b)     The candidate with the highest number of votes for each office voted on shall be declared the winner.

(c)     In the event that there is a tie, the voting process shall be repeated until a winner emerges.

(d)     By unanimous consent one candidate may be the only nomination and hence winner of the election to the office.






(a)     Every eligible member present shall cast one vote for each office.

(b)     There shall be no voting by proxy.

(c)     An eligible member may be nominated and voted for in-absentia, provided that the nominating member has obtained a commitment in writing from such a candidate indicating their interest and willingness to serve if elected.



SECTION VI:               HANDOVER

Upon the announcement of the election result, the outgoing officers must conclude the handover process to the incoming officers before the conclusion of the convention activities




(a)     Any elected or appointed officer of the Association who wishes to resign his or her office must give at least sixty days notice of his or her intention to do so.

(b)     The letter of resignation shall be addressed to the President who shall present it to the Executive Committee.


                           The general assembly may remove an elected officer by a majority of two-thirds of members in good standing present at the meeting, for misconduct, misappropriation of funds, non-performance or commission of acts deemed discreditable to the Association.


Any elected or appointed officer, who fails to resign when called to do so, may be impeached. The process shall involve a vote of 50% of eligible members plus one Executive member to recommend impeachment. Thereafter, two-third of the eligible members present shall vote in favor of the impeachment.


                       The association shall have two types of committees:


(a)     Shall be constituted by the President and the Executive Committee as the need arises.

(b)     Shall include the Constitution Review Committee.

(c)     Any other non-standing committees to be created as needed.

(d)     Membership of these committees shall expire at the end of the task of the committees.





(a)     Shall be constituted by and membership appointed by, and held office, at the discretion of the President.

(b)     Shall include Social and Cultural Committee.

(c)     Shall include Budget Committee.

(d)     Shall include Educational Committee.

(e)     Shall include Homeland Development Committee.

   SECTION III:   Each committee shall consist of not less than five members and not more than ten members.



(a)     All standing committees shall hold quarterly meetings to deliberate on issues assigned to it by the National President

(b)     The President shall convene Executive meeting(s) to deliberate on recommendations of standing committees before presenting same to General Assembly at a National convention.


(a)     Standing Orders refers to the right of every member to be heard during any deliberation of the Association and to be given precedence to rise and interrupt a recognized speaker on the floor in order to:

(b)     These aforementioned Standing Orders shall be accommodated during meetings at the discretion of the presiding officer.


SECTION I:   The National President shall have the discretion to commence or call a meeting to order      when he determines that there is sufficient representation.



     The quorum for Executive Committee meeting is formed when one half of the members of the Executive Committee are present provided the President or the Vice-President is present.


           The National President shall convene emergency meetings as the need arises



                           Funds for the Association shall be internally generated. The Association may organize fund-raising events; solicit grants and donations from the general public, private organizations, corporations, and government agencies.



(a)     Any member, who exhibits a disorderly conduct or engages in a fist-fight during a meeting or any event organized by the Association, and found guilty by a duly constituted panel and ratified by a simple majority of the members voting at a general meeting, shall attract a fine of one hundred dollars ($100).

(b)     Any other form of disorderly conduct displayed by a member during a meeting or other events organized by the Association, but has no specific penalty attached to it, shall have a discretionary fine imposed on it by the President.

(c)     Disorderly conduct includes, but not limited to, fighting, drunkenness, or any act as the general assembly may consider disorderly.


(a)     A member who is accused of disorderly conduct shall be invited for a hearing by a duly constituted panel.

(b)     Failure to appear for a hearing without official excuse shall result in probation.

(c)     A member on probation shall have his or her rights and privilege suspended and these can only be restored upon a successful completion of the probation.

(d)     A member on probation who breaks another rule of the Association shall have his membership revoked if found guilty of the second offense.

(e)     Failure to appear for a hearing while on probation shall result in a dismissal by a majority vote.

(f)      Depending on the severity of the offenses, any member found guilty of disorderly conduct three consecutive times shall be dismissed from the Association.

(g)     Determination of guilt and dismissal shall be by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting.